
Chapter One :Chapter 1

When the villain dragged me into the back alley, I was still chatting with Taobao's customer service.

The condoms I bought from their store arrived today. The shop owner is my friend and she was keenly introducing me to some new sexy lingerie that they've just stocked up.

Today is my boyfriend, Zhou Ji An's birthday, I originally prepared a surprise for him...

However, when my body that had never been touched by someone of the opposite sex was exposed to the air, I knew I was finished with Zhou Ji An!

This man was obviously an expert. He chocked me with one arm, instantly cutting off my possibility to scream for help. At the same time, his other hand was groping all over my body...

I was scared and tried hard to scratch his face, pull his hair, and squeeze out between him and the wall. But his hair was too short, I couldn't grip it. I was so panicked that I used brute force, my fingernails digging into his flesh.

Annoyed by the pain, he stopped and slapped me twice, "I told you to behave!"

I was hit until my mouth bled and it felt as if my fingernails were torn, too painful to scratch anymore.

He started to take off my clothes after finishing his sentence. Terrified, I held onto my clothes tightly and used all my strength to kick his groin.

"Damn it!" He retreated a few steps in pain, gasping for air.

I took the chance to scream for help and run, but he caught my clothes after only a few steps, and punched me in the temple! Then he pulled my hair hard, and I lost my balance and fell to the ground.

He didn't give me the chance to get up, completely pressing down on me. It felt as if my intestines were about to be squeezed out.

I was out of strength to resist him by this point, sobbing uncontrollably, my head about to explode from the pain, and my legs hurt like they were broken.

I was in despair, I had called Zhou Ji An after work, and he said he would pick me up. He had mentioned before how dangerous this route was, especially this alley, so he'd definitely come looking for me, right? But why isn't he here yet?

When the man pushed his knee between my legs, my fear skyrocketed, and no amount of kicking was going to help.

He eagerly tugged at my pants, burying his head down to start gnawing frantically. In the heat of the moment, I bit down hard on his lips, hatred stirring me to bite the flesh off!

As he gasped for breath, he pushed me away. Unable to release his lips, he strangled my neck, "Behave, or I'll kill you!"

At the brink of suffocation, I let go of him. The pain caused him to violently punch my stomach twice.

When he pressed down on me again, I used every bit of my remaining strength to struggle. But every time I struggled, he would fiercely punch my stomach, immense pain spreading from my abdomen to my entire body, quickly draining my strength.

Unintentionally, I found a brick, I grabbed it, hoping to strike him, but he dodged. He straddled on top of me, raising up his fist to smash down on my head like he had gone mad!

One punch!

Two punches!

Three punches!


I didn't know how many times he hit me, but I felt like I was about to die.

"f*ck your mother, that's what you get for not behaving…”

The man was still cursing when suddenly, footsteps and voices sounded from outside. Desperate as if clinging onto a straw to save my life, I started whimpering for help. However, he quickly covered my mouth and then ducked down, steadily waiting for the footsteps to fade away.

My heart was overcome with anguish, all hope shattered with the gradually distancing footsteps.

When the surroundings fell silent once again, he began a new round of assault on me. Perhaps the footsteps scared him too, he stopped playing the cat-and-mouse game with me and chose to get straight to the point.

I twisted my limbs in desperation, frantically rummaging through my bag for something to hit him with.

Almost at the last moment, the footsteps that had left abruptly returned in haste.

"Zheng Keyu!!"

Zhou Ji'an was here indeed, and two others were following him, their mobile phone's lights shining in my direction.

The man on top of me immediately ran off. Almost naked, I curled up on the ground, desperately seeking comfort from Zhou Ji'an.

But in the end, it was the two men who came to my aid, while Zhou Ji'an remained fixated on my hand.

As I clumsily adjusted my clothes, I realized that the item I had just grabbed from my bag was a condom. With a trembling hand, I dropped it on the ground.

The assailant had given me a swollen eye, making my vision blurry. I could barely see the road, but I caught Zhou Ji'an's disgusted look at me.

"Zhou Ji'an! You bastard! What do you mean?" I somewhat disbelief, drained of all strength, fell to the ground in despair, crying uncontrollably.

But Zhou Ji'an did not respond, nor did he help me. He walked away without a word.

Sore all over, I asked his friends to call the police through tears, yet they hemmed and hawed, saying, "Ji'an, he... he said not to call the police..."

That day, I didn't even go to the hospital. I cleaned and bandaged the wounds myself. As I came out of the bathroom, I heard Zhou Ji'an on the phone.

"Mom, I'm breaking up with her right now..."

The sense of humiliation and sadness erupted at this moment.

I rushed out, throwing anything I could get my hands on at him, crying and shouting, asking what he meant, why he wanted to break up!

But Zhou Ji'an had lost all his patience and tolerance. He threw a sofa cushion at my feet and said coldly, "What do I mean? Hum, I am not confident enough to marry a woman who actively hands out condoms to men!"

"Who gave out a condom?!"

Zhou Ji'an, despite being a top student from a prestigious university and a bit of a stick in the mud, I had always thought of him as a man of integrity. However, he defamed me without even asking a question!

When I retorted, he just got angrier: "If didn't hand out a condom, then what's that in your hand?!"

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